
Patriot Manager is an online real-time solution providing all types of information with a click of a button. But, if you want or need a report – there is a good chance the report is already available with a click of a button.
Aquilan Technology - Patriot Manager - Reports

Patriot Manager provides 60+ pre-defined reports.

  • Customer-requested reports are continually being added.
  • The ability to create your own report is provided.
  • All Patriot Manager-maintained data fields are reportable.
  • Reports are generated in real-time and batch.
  • Reports can be downloaded to Excel for additional formatting.
  • As an example, the list of Management Reports is provided below:

Management List of Reports:

    Aquilan Technology - Patriot Manager - Report Management

    Thanks to our valued customers, there is a good chance the report you need is already provided.